
Adele Liu的個人中文網站, 將在義大利生活多年的特別經驗和義大利時尚美食等好康資訊介紹給大家. 接收中/英/義/西/法文等商務網站製作需求, 請來信 "Web Design and CMS"

Data: 2007-05-28 | 23:15
網站大改板, Adi要認真!
改成綠色外星人, 好耶!...


 Domain suspended

Domain suspended

Contact your internet service provider

ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - has introduced the Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP).

According to the ERRP, all registrars are obliged to implement several procedures, such as the domain name system suspension (DNS suspension) at least eight days before the domain cancellation date. After the cancellation of the domain there is a period called redemption period, during which the owner of the domain can recover it at an higher price.

ICANN Expired Registration Recovery Policy

Are you the domain owner?

Contact your internet service provider to renew the domain in order to avoid cancellation and to bring back immediately online your website.

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 Domain suspended

Domain suspended

Contact your internet service provider

ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - has introduced the Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP).

According to the ERRP, all registrars are obliged to implement several procedures, such as the domain name system suspension (DNS suspension) at least eight days before the domain cancellation date. After the cancellation of the domain there is a period called redemption period, during which the owner of the domain can recover it at an higher price.

ICANN Expired Registration Recovery Policy

Are you the domain owner?

Contact your internet service provider to renew the domain in order to avoid cancellation and to bring back immediately online your website.

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